Beginning on Friday, February 10th, at 6:00AM Point Source Solutions, LLC
will be on site to begin required parking lot excavation work.
They have provided a color coded site map with the closed zones and date ranges.

(Please see the attached site map to reference)

The site map will indicate that the parking lot spaces (marked in yellow)
directly at the building entrance will need to be empty from space #101 to #105.
The spaces in the middle of the parking lot (marked in yellow) will also need to be empty.
(Please see the attached site map for reference. Yellow section is no parking)

On Monday 2/13 to Wednesday 2/15

There will be no direct access to the parking lot from NE Broadway.
This half of the parking lot in the (black) dotted lines will be closed for the excavation.
The main entrance to the building itself will also be closed and inaccessible.
(See the attached site plan. The dotted line and X are blocked. Yellow & blue = no parking)

All occupants and visitors will need to use the South entrance from 2/13 to 2/15

(marked in pink).

A key will be provided to each business for the South entry door.
(see attached site plan for reference – pink circle = entrance)

Any vehicles in the yellow or blue area’s by 6:00am on the date of service WILL BE TOWED.

You are advised to park in a street legal spot.

We are not responsible for any damage, theft, towing, or tickets you may occur for choosing where

you park your vehicle.

Thank you for your assistance and patience during this important project

Today, I heard the familiar despair in the voice of a new patient who was worried that I would judge their fat body. They seemed to expect that I would blame them for their pain or confirm their fear that they are incapable of feeling better. Or maybe I would just communicate through my words or actions that they are unworthy of care. It was disheartening, especially since I was standing in front of them in my own fat body.

Fat people suffer from the same pain generators as thin people:

More often than not, the pain I see in larger bodies stems from the same sources I see in any body type—sitting too long at a computer, lifting something too heavy, falling, poor posture—it does not discriminate. Yes, there is more strain on the joints if a skeleton is carrying more weight, but there is too much emphasis on how significant a factor that is. I see larger bodies all day long, and these bodies respond just as well to care as smaller bodies.

Fat bodies can feel better and have improved movement.

When fat patients need ongoing bodywork, they are taught to blame their weight:

When larger bodies don’t improve with self-care or have a need for ongoing body work, society has taught us to believe that the problem is fatness. I have just as many smaller bodies as larger ones undergoing maintenance care. The difference is that thin people don’t wonder if it’s their weight. They know it’s their posture or repetitive movements. Fatness isn’t what is stopping permanent healing. The 12+ years we spent sitting in a chair at school, with only a 30-60 minute break per day, is more likely the culprit—but that’s a blog post rant for another day.

Bodywork for fat bodies is a radical act:

Showing yourself and other fat bodies that you are worthy of care and can feel better will change the world. When a competent practitioner works with your body, it’s not just about the physical touch; it’s about shifting the perception from seeing your body as a ‘problem’ to recognizing its capacity for increased health and vitality.

The more patients that show up to care for their fat bodies, the more common it will become for patients to expect a standard of care where they are seen as a whole person deserving of empathetic and dedicated care.

Our providers celebrate the opportunity to participate in creating a world where all bodies feel safe and worthy of seeking care.

Our chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists are trained to work with all body types, providing tailored care that acknowledges individual needs. We are committed to creating a treatment environment where fat individuals are seen as possessing the potential for increased health and well-being.

Your body’s capacity for health is not defined by its size. You can feel better, move better, sleep better, and your body deserves the best.